Friday, January 22, 2010

Back to Blogging

I know I said in my last post that I was going to start blogging again, and it has been quite some time since then. My computer died (may i rest in peace) and I was technology deprived for about a month and a half. =/

Anyway, I have done SO much better this week than I have since I restarted weight watchers. Ive tracked ALL week. Which I know does not sound like any big deal, but right now it is. I feel good and I feel like Ive lost, but I wont be let down if I dont since Aunt Flo is a'visitin. haha.

Anyway, I want to start blogging my meals and I would LOVE to post pics, but I just dont know if I have time.
Ill be posting more tomorrow =D


  1. Glad to see that you're back!

  2. You should totally post your food pics! I should post some too.
