Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Its not my official weigh in day, but I cant help but be discouraged. Granted I just got off my period today, but it still does not feel good to see my scale go up 4 freaking pounds.
I really need to go to the doctor. My body is not digesting correctly and I think that may also be a part of the recent weight gain. I was a vegetarian for the past 2 1/2 years and I think the recent addition of meat back into my diet has thrown my body through a loop. Its pretty much freaking out. I think chicken is okay though, so Im gonna stick to that.
Anyway, Im gonna talk to the doctor. Im just having a lot of problems with my stomach and digestion and Im in a lot of discomfort. Sorry for the TMI, but I feel that it is affecting my weight loss in some way right now.
Anyway, Im going shopping for groceries again soon and Im going to try and be better about updating this.


  1. Don't be discouraged. There's always something that you can do to get back on track. Maybe you have been completely on track and the gain is beyond your control. I'm sure it'll be off by next week!

  2. I definitely think the doctor is a good idea, but you could also try digestive enzymes. Pretty much any health food or vitamin store should have them. I get mine at whole foods for like....$6 or something, so they have them at all price points. Basically they're just a pill-form of the digestive enzymes that your body naturally makes, but with some foods (anything processed/with added chemicals and even meat) sometimes need a little help since it's harder to digest those things.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement!!

    And I will def look into those digestive enzymes, I've heard great things about them! Thanks!
