Monday, February 15, 2010

Weigh In!

Saturday I went to my weight watchers meeting and lost 1 pound exactly. I am proud of this loss, but feel that I can do much better. I hadnt weighed in for like 2 weeks, so this was a two week loss. I should have been able to do much better, BUT I am proud that I am still making progress, even if it is Slllooooooowwww progress, which will change soon.
Along with my aerobic walking class, my roommate and I are going to try and make it to the gym twice a week. Last Thursday we went and walked/ran around the track and then did treadmill. I stayed on the treadmill for only 10 min because I was already pretty tired from walking and running on the track.
Bear in mind, that I am starting all of this after leading a VERY sedentary lifestyle. So, running at all for me is a big deal. I got off the treadmill because I started getting a terrible sidestitch and didnt want to embarass myself by dying in the gym, lol.
Anyway, my heart rate was rather high the whole time (no exact number, sorry) and I know I got a good workout. I was reminded of how good this workout was all weekend. I was really sore. I feel like I shouldnt have been, but I was all the same.
I think it was because I am used to walking/running mainly on the treadmill and perhaps doing it on the track was just a little more difficult.
But anyway, I feel great about starting a more active lifestyle. I cannot WAIT till spring when I can do things at the park or go bike riding(which I am totally stoked for). You see, I have a little secret *whispers* I really dont like the gym. At all. Especially on campus because it's filled with all these athletic, skinny people and frankly it makes me feel insecure. I would MUCH rather go to the park. But, it is cold and this is my option. Plus, my tuition helps pay for the gym, so I need to take advantage of it.
Anyway, long rant. More later


  1. I hear ya on wanting to work out outside! I cannot wait until Spring for the same reason! Great job on that 1 lb loss!

  2. I feel the exact same way at the gym at AP-like all the fit people are secretly judging me or something. The first few weeks of exercise suck. But I think you're doing great! And I'm definitely going to get a bicycle and we ARE going to go ride...everywhere. lol

  3. I feel like exercise will always suck if its not something I enjoy. I think I could enjoy biking or hiking. Something in nature anyway. I just hate the gym atmosphere

    YAY for riding everywhere!! lol
